101 Dalmatian Street Wiki

"Balancing Act" is the forty-first episode of 101 Dalmatian Street and the first part of the twenty-first episode of the Disney+ release.

The episode originally aired in Belgium on January 23, 2020, and then in the UK and Ireland on February 6, 2020.[1]



Dolly ruins Doug's face on the Dalmatians' family portrait after skateboarding in the house. However, Delilah believes the accident was purposefully caused by Dylan who is vacuuming near the portrait and sucking up the ripped photo. Later, Dolly shows off her parkour skills and ends up stuck on a large box (which was planned to serve as Constantin's new meditation chamber) hanging over the backyard of 99 Dalmatian Street. She initially panics and scampers around the box, causing the crane to smash the box into both 99 and 103 Dalmatian Street. This damages the properties and gets the attention of Constantin and Clarissa; the former rushes to alert PC Pearl, while the latter tempts Dolly, causing her to anxiously move more. Dolly eventually calms down, while Dylan tries think of a way to get her down. DJ plays calming music for Dolly, but this results in Dolly dozing off, slipping off of the box. Dawkins asserts that an equal amount of weight must occupy the opposite side of the box, prompting Dylan to jump to action. After Dolly confesses that she ruined the family portrait to Dylan, the box is lowered down. When Doug questions the absence of his face on the photo, Dolly smugly denies having caused the accident, much to Dylan's annoyance.


Dolly, Dylan, Dawkins, Dizzy, Dee Dee, Delilah, Doug, DJ, Dante, Clarissa, Constantin, Pearl, Bulldozer Driver
Background characters
Dimitri 1, Dimitri 2, Dimitri 3, Destiny, Dallas, Déjà Vu, Puppy Ensemble, Snowball, Roxy, Hansel, Hugo

Voice cast[]



  • The new meditation chamber Constantin has in this episode calls back to the episode "The Walls Are Alive," where his in-house chamber is destroyed by the Dalmatians.
  • This is the second episode where Dolly tunes out Dylan's "nerdspeak" with "blah blah blah," with the first time being in "Poodlewolf!"
  • This is the only episode in which Dawkins refers to Doug as "Dad" rather than by name.

International releases[]

Country Airdate Time Language version
1038px-Flag of Belgium.svg Belgium January 23, 2020 07:05 (UTC+01:00) Dutch
1200px-Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom February 6, 2020 10:00 (UTC) English
1200px-Flag of Ireland.svg Ireland
1280px-Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands February 15, 2020 10:30 (UTC+01:00) Dutch
1280px-Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa February 16, 2020
February 17, 2020 (UTC+04:00)
00:25 (UTC+04:00)
23:25 (UTC+03:00)
22:25 (UTC+02:00)
21:25 (UTC+01:00)
20:25 (UTC)
Middle East Arabic
1280px-Flag of Greece.svg Greece Greek
Flag of Russia Russia February 18, 2020 17:05 (UTC+10:00) Russian
17:05 (UTC+07:00)
17:05 (UTC+05:00)
17:05 (UTC+03:00)
1280px-Flag of France.svg France February 25, 2020 16:50 (UTC+01:00) French
1280px-Flag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg
800px-Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland
1024px-Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark March 7, 2020 10:15 (UTC+02:00)
09:15 (UTC+01:00)
Finland Finnish (subtitles)
1200px-Flag of Norway.svg Norway Norwegian
1280px-Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden Swedish
Estonia English
1200px-Flag of Italy.svg Italy March 7, 2020 09:20 (UTC+01:00) Italian
800px-Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland
1280px-Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal April 2, 2020 11:50 (UTC+01:00) European Portuguese
1280px-Flag of Germany.svg Germany April 3, 2020 18:00 (UTC+02:00) German
1280px-Flag of Austria.svg Austria
1280px-Flag of Liechtenstein.svg Liechtenstein
1280px-Flag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg
800px-Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland
1280px-Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechia April 27, 2020 06:00 (UTC+02:00) Czech
1920px-Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary Hungarian
Southeast Asia May 23, 2020 10:30 (UTC+09:00)
09:30 (UTC+08:00)
08:30 (UTC+07:00)
09:30 (UTC+07:00) Vietnamese (subtitles)
Flag of Japan Japan May 24, 2020 10:30 (UTC+09:00) Japanese
1200px-Flag of Poland.svg Poland June 15, 2020 22:20 (UTC+02:00) Polish
Hong Kong June 19, 2020 18:30 (UTC+08:00) English
Taiwan Mandarin
1200px-Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bulgaria June 28, 2020 07:30 (UTC+03:00) Bulgarian
900px-Flag of Romania.svg Romania Romanian
1920px-Flag of Moldova.svg Moldova
1280px-Flag of Israel.svg Israel July 13, 2020 17:25 (UTC+03:00) Hebrew
Mexico August 12, 2020 10:15 (UTC-05:00)
09:15 (UTC-06:00)
08:15 (UTC-07:00)
Latin American Spanish
Flag of Brazil Brazil 14:00 (UTC-02:00)
13:00 (UTC-03:00)
12:00 (UTC-04:00)
11:00 (UTC-05:00)
Brazilian Portuguese
1125px-Flag of Spain.svg Spain December 28, 2020 07:53 (UTC+01:00)
06:53 (UTC)
European Spanish
1280px-Flag of Andorra.svg Andorra

Names in other languages[]

  • Cantonese: 高空危機
  • Czech: Balancování
  • Danish: Balancegang
  • Dutch: Een kwestie van balans
  • French: Exercice d'équilibriste
  • German: Der Balanceakt
  • Hebrew: בין שמיים לארץ
  • Hungarian: Egyensúly bajnokság
  • Italian: Esercizio di equilibrio
  • Japanese: わんぱくドリー
  • Mandarin: 高空危機
  • Norwegian: Balansekunst
  • Polish: Na krawędzi
  • Portuguese (Brazilian): Questão de Equilíbrio
  • Portuguese (European): Número de Equilibrismo
  • Russian: Между небом и землёй
  • Spanish (European): Manteniendo el equilibrio
  • Spanish (Latin American): Acto de equilibrio
  • Swedish: Balansakten
  • Vietnamese: Giữ thăng bằng trên cao

See also[]

