101 Dalmatian Street Wiki
This page is for the international versions of In the House.
Please add to the contents of this page, but only things that pertain to the article.




Ile psów w domu jest?
Ile psów
W domu jest?
Czy ktoś przypadkiem wie?

Ile psów
(No tak?)
W domu jest?
(Psiaki zbiórka)
Liczymy je
Kropek dziki tłum

Ile psów
W domu jest
Liczymy dalej i już

Dodger, Dara, Demi, Dimple, Denim i Dean
(No tak?)
Daoud, Dingo, Dieter, Dijon i Doreen
Duffy, Dobie, Diamond, Derek, Dusty i Dane
Delta, Dilma, Dominique, Duke and Dechang
(Jest połowa)

Debbie-May, Debbie-Lou, Debbie-Lee
Denver, Devon, Duck, Dimitri 1, 2, 3
(To my)
Dutch i Duchess, Drama i Drew
Dinga, Donny, Duncan, Dax and Dibs

Ile psów
W domu jest?

Disco, Dixie daj głos
(Diexie daj głos)
Ile psów w domu jest
(Tak jest)
Na moje oko ze sto
(Dalej chop)

Dubaku, Diego, Daphne i Divya
Doris, Dvorak, Dolce Vita
Dalmar, Drake, Dupont i Deneesha (85)
December, Dai-Ichi i Donna-Maria
Dionne, Dulcinea, Dalston i Deuce (92)
Daley, Dorset i Desiree
My kończymy już (Łuł)

Darius, Damian, Durian
Dani (Jeszcze dwa)
Dumpling i Dakota i 101 już mam

Ile psów
(No jak?)
W domu jest
Czy wszystkie kropki są?
(Nie widać, och)

Ile psów
(Kto wie)
W domu jest?
Sto plus jeden
Mamy to

How many dogs are in the house?
How many dogs
Are in house?
Does anybody knows?

How many dogs
Are in the house?
(Dogs it's roll call time)
We are counting them
This is wild crowd of spots

How many dogs
Are in the house
We are counting and that's it

Dodger, Dara, Demi, Dimple, Denim and Dean
Daoud, Dingo, Dieter, Dijon and Doreen
Duffy, Dobie, Diamond, Derek, Dusty and Dane
Delta, Dilma, Dominique, Duke and Dechang
(It's half)

Debbie-May, Debbie-Lou, Debbie-Lee
Denver, Devon, Duck, Dimitri 1, 2, 3
(It's us)
Dutch i Duchess, Drama and Drew
Dinga, Donny, Duncan, Dax and Dibs

How many dogs
Are in the house?

Disco, Dixie give a voice
(Diexie give a voice)
How many dogs are in the house
(Of course)
I guess that 100
(Let's go)

Dubaku, Diego, Daphne and Divya
Doris, Dvorak, Dolce Vita
Dalmar, Drake, Dupont and Deneesha (85)
December, Dai-Ichi and Donna-Maria
Dionne, Dulcinea, Dalston and Deuce (92)
Daley, Dorset and Desiree
We are ending now (Woah)

Darius, Damian, Durian
Dani (Two left)
Dumpling and Dakota and we got 101

How many dogs
Are in the house?
Are every spots there
(Do not see, oh)

How many dogs
(How knows)
Are in the house?
One hundred plus one
We got it
