101 Dalmatian Street Wiki
101 Dalmatian Street Wiki

Series overview[]

Season Episodes Hungary Originally aired
Season premiere Season finale
  1 26 December 21, 2018 (sneak peek)
March 25, 2019 (official)
October 15, 2020
  Shorts 10 December 17, 2018 (online)
December 24, 2018 (TV)
May 24, 2019 (online)
  AvH 13 April 23, 2019


Season 1 (2018–20)[]

Episode Hungarian title Air date Aired on
1 "Dog's Best Friend" "A kutya legjobb barátja" December 21, 2018[1]
(18:30 UTC+01:00)
Disney Channel
"Boom Night" "Bumm banzáj"
2 "Power to the Puppies" "Furfangos falkavezér" March 25, 2019[2]
(18:30 UTC+01:00)
Disney Channel
"Who the Dog Do You Think You Are?" "Kutyszorítóban" March 26, 2019[2]
(18:30 UTC+01:00)
Disney Channel
3 "Walkies on the Wild Side" "Bátorságpróba" March 27, 2019[2]
(18:30 UTC+01:00)
Disney Channel
"May Contain Nuts" "Magmánia" March 28, 2019[2]
(18:30 UTC+01:00)
Disney Channel
4 "Winter Funderland" "Téli hó-ka móka" March 29, 2019[2]
(18:30 UTC+01:00)
Disney Channel
"Snow Day" "Hószünet" April 1, 2019[3]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
5 "Perfect Match" "Kontár kerítő" April 2, 2019[3]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"All Fired Up" "Háztűznézőben" March 20, 2019 VOD
April 3, 2019[3]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
6 "Poetry Scam" "Rettentő rímségek" June 3, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Crushed Out" "A szerelem sötét verem" June 4, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
7 "Girls' Day Out" "Veszélyes szépségek" June 5, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"The Woof Factor" "Fergeteges forgatás" June 6, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
8 "The Nose Job" "A magánszimat" June 7, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
June 10, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
9 "My Fair Dolly" "Dolly, a dáma" June 11, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Flea-Mageddon" "Bolhapokalipszis" June 12, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
10 "A Right Royal Rumble" "Felségek fergeteges felvonulása" June 13, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Dal-Martians" "Mars haza, marslakók!" June 14, 2019[4]
(18:30 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
11 "A Date with Destiny… Dallas and Déjà Vu" "Velünk senki sem szőrözhet" October 12, 2019
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"The Wow of Miaow" "Macska karma kicsikarva"
12 "Fear Window" "Sasszem zabszem" October 19, 2019
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"The Dog House" "Világvége veszély"
13 "Long Tongue Day" "Riasztóan tikkasztó" October 26, 2019
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Doggy Da Vinci" "Művész vész"
14 "London, We Have a Problem" "London, van egy kis gondom!" November 2, 2019
(06:00 UTC+01:00)
Disney Channel
15 "A Summer to Remember" "Napsugaras nyári emlék" November 9, 2019
(06:00 UTC+01:00)
Disney Channel
16 "It's My Party" "Zsarnoki zsúr" April 20, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Fox in the Dog House" "Ravaszdi melengetés"
17 "Fetch" "Rakoncátlan robotok" April 21, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Don't Push Your Luck" "Szerencsekerék"
18 "The Curse of the Ferrydog" "Átokkal átszőtt ásatás" April 22, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"The Walls Are Alive" "Borzongató bújócska"
19 "Diamond Dogs" "Betörő brigantik" April 23, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Ride Along" "Tiszteletlen tiszthelyettes"
20 "Poodlewolf!" "Lovagregény" April 24, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"The Longest Night" "Farkasüvöltő ideg"
21 "Balancing Act" "Egyensúly bajnokság" April 27, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Dawkins Strikes Back" "Szabadtéri sztrájk"
22 "Poodlefall!" "Kutyakatasztrófa" April 28, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Dotty Dancing" "Buli balekok"
23 "Yappily Ever After" "Mese, mese, meskete" April 29, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"D-Factor" "Tehetetlen tehetség"
24 "Dante's Inferno" "Lógó orrú látnok" April 30, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
"Better the De Vil You Know" "Dupla dózis De Frász"
25 "The De Vil Wears Puppies" "A divatdíva kutyabundája" May 1, 2020
(06:00 UTC+02:00)
Disney Channel
26 "Puppy Dreams" "Álmodó alom" October 15, 2020
(17:05 UTC+02:00)

Shorts (2018–19)[]

Note: Disney Channel has only aired Merry Pups so far.
Short Hungarian title Air date Aired on
1 "Muddy Pups" "Saras kutyusok" March 20, 2019 VOD
March 26, 2019[5] YouTube
2 "Prank Pups" "Csalafinta kiskutyák" March 4, 2019[6] YouTube
3 "Ransom Pups" "Civakodó kutyusok" March 8, 2019[7] YouTube
4 "Target Pups" "Célbalövő kutyik" March 12, 2019[8] YouTube
5 "Merry Pups" "Dalmata karácsony" December 17, 2018[9] YouTube
December 24, 2018[1]
(06:25 UTC+01:00)
Disney Channel
6 "Yoga Pups" "Jógázó kiskutyák" March 29, 2019[10] YouTube
7 "Jurassic Pups" "Rosszcsont kiskutyák" April 2, 2019[11] YouTube
8 "Space Pups" "Kutyusok az űrben" April 25, 2019[12] YouTube
9 "Disco Pups" "Táncoló kutyusok" May 18, 2019[13] YouTube
10 "Diva Pups" "Díva kutyusok" May 24, 2019[14] YouTube

Animals vs Humans (2019)[]

Note: Disney Channel never broadcast any Animals vs Humans segments.
Short Hungarian title Air date Aired on
1 "Skills" "Ügyesség" May 31, 2019[15] YouTube
2 "Birthdays" "Születésnapok" April 24, 2019[16] YouTube
3 "Cleaning" "Takarítás" April 24, 2019[17] YouTube
4 "Dancing" "Táncverseny" April 23, 2019[18] YouTube
5 "Driving" "Vezetés" April 26, 2019[19] YouTube
6 "Extreme Sports" "Extrém sport" May 3, 2019[20] YouTube
7 "Food" "Evés" May 23, 2019[21] YouTube
9 "Music" "Zene" May 8, 2019[22] YouTube
11 "Relaxing" "Pihenés" May 29, 2019[23] YouTube
12 "Sports" "Sportok" June 18, 2019[24] YouTube
13 "Nature" "A szabad téren" May 17, 2019[25] YouTube
14 "Water" "Vízben" June 13, 2019[26] YouTube
"Vízi sportok"
15 "Winter" "Télen" June 17, 2019[27] YouTube


  1. 1.0 1.1 https://www.gyerek-vilag.tk/2018/11/a-disney-csatorna-decemberi-ujdonsagai.html
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 https://www.gyerek-vilag.tk/2019/02/a-disney-csatorna-marciusi-ujdonsagai.html
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 https://www.gyerek-vilag.tk/2019/03/a-disney-csatorna-aprilisi-ujdonsagai.html
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 https://www.gyerek-vilag.tk/2019/05/a-disney-csatorna-juniusi-ujdonsagai.html
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4XNgy5tOhU
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8hrznLL8TU
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_dDYFF2PtQ
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acWNiH4ijkM
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8lzdvR6alM
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6lm30UwNUo
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt46r95BJWY
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEguLtXQZKU
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fG_IUAu8rA
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVBQO5XQzDw
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL3wq2jALig
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNTMt4yV4dc
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiuCeU_hY7s
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Wdhx1D7vQ
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L58_xUYBtU0
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfDjl9mwYf4
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddi9Q3DY2NI
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzQjd-ugqGc
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGnGwJeLH5U
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk-vS1N56pE
  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpsidlFbFNc
  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPpU-lEZA3I
  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZBTLi2A0vQ
