101 Dalmatian Street Wiki

Hello 101DS fans! I have started creating polls relating to each episode. Starting with Boom night I will plan on posting at least three episode polls each week. Each episode poll consist of three individual polls. I am asking 1. How you would rate the episode (1-5). 2. What your favorite quote from that episode was (If you would like, you can nominate your own). 3. Who is your favorite minor character from that episode (you can also nominate your own for this one if you would like). The first episode is Boom Night.

Here is the link for poll 1 (episode rating); https://101dalmatianstreet.fandom.com/f/p/3409742886076618790 Here is the link for poll 2 (fave quote); https://101dalmatianstreet.fandom.com/f/p/3409742886076618791 Here is the link for poll 3 (fave minor); https://101dalmatianstreet.fandom.com/f/p/3409742886076618792

The more that get involved, the better! THNX!!! Puppytales